2025 Colorado Healthcare Ethics Forum (CHEF) ANNUAL CONFERENCE
The 2025 CHEF annual conference, Empowering Choices: Ethical Dimensions of Patient Autonomy, Advance Directives, and Surrogate Decision-Making will offer healthcare professionals and ethics consultants tools for navigating complex ethical issues in supporting patient decision-making. The conference will include both traditional presentations and interactive workshops focused on ethical issues in advance care planning, patient-centered decision aids, capacity assessments, and surrogate decision-making. Experts in the field will provide tools for promoting equitable and inclusive decision-making in a wide variety of contexts from hospitals to clinics, from care from pediatric care to adult care.
The 2025 Colorado Healthcare Ethics Forum annual conference will explore the following:
a. Participants will develop effective, ethical communication strategies for supporting patients in their treatment decisions.
b. Participants will deepen their understanding of ethical issues that arise in the process of advance care planning.
c. Participants will enhance their understanding of ethical issues in surrogate decision-making.
d. Participants will expand their knowledge of ethical and legal issues in existing and proposed Colorado legislation on advance care planning and surrogate decision-making
e. Participants will improve their understanding of ethical issues surrounding patient decision-making about mental and behavioral health treatment in Colorado
f. Participants will acquire skills for conducting ethics consultations regarding patient and surrogate decision-making.
g. Participants will identify gaps in their knowledge about how to support equitable and inclusive healthcare decision-making.
Join us for our two-day conference, filled with outstanding education and networking you’ve come to expect from CHEF conferences. Breakfast and lunch each day, is included in your registration. Information on educational content will be available soon. Mark your calendars!
CHEF is committed to promoting ethical practice and collaboration by providing education and resources for clinicians, ethicists, educators, administrators, community members, and all who have an interest in the ethical dimensions of healthcare.
Be sure to check out our Sponsorship and Exhibit Prospectus for exclusive opportunities to connect with conference attendees!
Registration Process:
You may register as an INDIVIDUAL, STUDENT, RETIREE, OR AS A GROUP. You have the option of selecting the “Full Conference” or a “One Day” registration.
For registrations by invoice, requests should be directed to the CONFERENCE OFFICE. You will be sent a link to the form to submit your group names and will receive an invoice for the registrations. All invoices must be paid in full by May 25, 2025.
If you’re registering a Group please scroll down for that process.
All CATEGORIES-Pay Now - will receive a receipt of the transaction. Please check your spam/junk folders if you don’t receive your receipt within 24 hours.
IMPORTANT: All completed registrations will receive an email confirmation. If you do not receive an email confirmation, you are not registered. Please contact the conference office if you do not receive a confirmation of your registration.
We encourage organizations to register their ethics committees for this conference. *Group Rates - Organizations who register three (3) or more of their employees will receive a discount off of the Full Conference Registration fee.
Those companies who want to use the GROUP DISCOUNT will identify a GROUP CONTACT, an employee from your company, to identify the names of the employees you are registering. The Group Contact will use the GROUP CONTACT FORM, first link below, to take you to the form you will use to identify those who will attend from your organization.
If you need to pay by invoice, contact the CONFERENCE OFFICE. You will be emailed a link to the registration by invoice form to use to register your group.
We cannot process employees from the same agency for the group discount, without using the Group Contact Form.
Companies that will pay by credit card, will choose GROUP CONTACT FORM PAY NOW.
Companies that need an invoice to complete payment, should contact the conference office for a link to the invoice option.
IMPORTANT: Upon receipt of the group names by the conference office, the GROUP CONTACT will be sent an email confirmation with the Group Discount Coupon Code, that you will give to those employees. Once they receive the code, they will register at this link below: GROUP EMPLOYEE REGISTRANT(2nd choice below). NOTE: individual employees are not registered until they complete their own individual registration form. The Group Contact will provide names only. Each employee must register themselves using the GROUP EMPLOYEE REGISTRANT form below using the Group Discount Coupon Code.
Questions? Contact the CONFERENCE OFFICE.
Group/organizational registrants: Use this form only if you’ve received your group discount code.
IMPORTANT: All completed registrations will receive an email confirmation. If you do not receive an email confirmation, you are not registered. Please contact the conference office if you do not receive a confirmation of your registration.
If you encounter any problems with the registration forms, we would appreciate an email so we can identify and fix any problems. Thank you, CHEF Conference Office.
All cancellations and requests for refunds from attendees and sponsor/exhibitors must be submitted in writing, to the Colorado Healthcare Ethics Forum Conference Office.
Refund requests received by April 30, 2025 will receive a full refund, minus a $25 administrative fee.
Cancellations received from May 1, through April May 15, 2025, will receive a 50% refund, minus a $25 administrative fee.
There are no refunds after May 16, 2025 or for no-shows.
All no-shows will be billed for the full registration fee.
CHEF will pursue unpaid invoices.
Refunds will be processed 30 days after the event. Substitutions are encouraged, if you or someone in your group can no longer attend. We ask that all substitutes notify us in advance in order to accommodate any special needs they may have.
By attending this conference, permission and license is given to publish, reproduce, tape, print, distribute, and/or otherwise use my name and any still or moving photographic image, likeness, or sound recordings.
COVID-19 Policy for Spring Conference 2025 CHEF:
CHEF is monitoring any COVID-19 will work closely with the conference center and local health authorities to follow safety guidelines. CHEF will take the necessary recommended precautions at the time of the conference and reserves the right to require masks and ask that everyone comply with local and federal guidelines and mandates. Anyone attending the conference desiring to wear a mask will be very welcome to do so, even if CHEF does not require them of all attendees. We ask that if you have any symptoms of COVID-19 or are not feeling well, please practice safety and stay home. All decisions that we make are done so with the safety and health of our conference attendees as our top priority. As the situation related to COVID-19 changes, we will work in concert with the conference center and local government officials to make decisions that will keep everyone safe. We will update the website and send email updates as we receive any new information.
Colorado Healthcare Ethics Forum, Inc. is a 501(c)(3) exempt organization, contributions to which are deductible for federal income tax purposes and can be sent to board treasurer Gregory James Smith, JD, DBE, at 250 Fillmore Street, Suite 150, Denver, CO 80206-5001